Advertise with the Chamber


The Antelope Valley Chambers of Commerce offers multiple opportunities to promote your business. Our website is a viewed by thousands of visitors each month. Make the investment to market your business by purchasing an advertising package today! 

Rorating Banner

1 Year - $2,000    6 Months - $1,200

Your custom ad with URL link will appear on the top of our website home page. Ads will rotate on a loop through all participating advertisers, increasing the number of ad impressions for your message without any additional action from the site user.

Ad on Website Homepage with URL Link

1 Year -     $ 600
6 Months -   $ 350
1 Month -   $ 100

Newsletter Advertising

Business Card
 Monthly: $50
Annually: $450

1/4 Page Ad
Monthly: $75
Annually: $650

Article 275 words max
Monthly: $150

The Chamber is proud to offer members the ability to get extra exposure monthly through the Business Connection E- Newsletter. Distributed to hundreds of members, businesses, government officials, and visitors. Choose from several ad sizes.

Office Display

1 Year - $2,000    6 Months - $1,200

The Chamber is proud to offer members the ability to get extra exposure monthly through the Business Connection E- Newsletter. Distributed to hundreds of members, businesses, government officials, and visitors. Choose from several ad sizes.

Tri-folds and Business Cards

We are happy to display your tri-folds and business cards in the Chamber office at no charge. Depending on space, cards and brochures will rotate.

Call the Chamber today to reserve your ad (661) 948-4518.

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